The navigation menu that usually appears on mobile devices is surfacing on desktop screens instead - update: images now

I have recently been working on my website, which was created using WordPress. The plugin I am using specifically for the mobile nav bar is

The functionality and ease of use of this plugin are incredible. The setting to show the toolbar at 960px works great for me, as that is when I chose to display it. This is the only customization I have made so far.

While resizing my desktop window, the navbar appears without any issues. However, I have yet to make the necessary changes to remove the header and old nav when displaying the new one. Everything seems fine up until now.

The problem arises on mobile view, where the navbar does not appear at all. I suspect the plugin might be utilizing

@media (max-width:960)
and not
@media on screen and (max-device-width:960)
but I cannot say for certain. Any ideas on why this may be happening?

EDIT - I have included images to provide a clearer picture:

When resizing a desktop window, the nav bar appears:

However, the nav bar does not appear on mobile devices:

Answer №1

To put it simply, your website isn't truly responsive because the viewport meta tag is missing. As a result, the site displays at a fixed width of 960px on mobile devices, which causes the menu to not appear.

The issue lies in a typo within the meta tags in your website's head:

<meta name"Keywords" content="Gold reports resource stock news and top gold articles" 
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">

The Keywords meta tag has two syntax errors - a missing '=' after 'name' and a missing closing >.

Due to these errors, the browser does not read the viewport tag, rendering it ineffective. This leads to the mobile viewport being scaled instead of displayed responsively. Since the viewport is shown at 960px width on mobile devices without the meta tag, the media query for responsiveness does not kick in, causing the menu to stay hidden as it would on a desktop screen.

By fixing the syntax errors in the first meta tag, the issue will be resolved:

<meta name="Keywords" content="Gold reports resource stock news and top gold articles">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">

I hope this explanation helps you solve the problem.

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