Mobile device scrolling glitch

I'm currently working on my website, which can be found at . After testing it on mobile devices, I came across an issue that I just can't seem to fix.
For instance, when viewing the site on a device with 768px width, you can scroll to the right and see the red background...
Is there a way to prevent this right scrolling behavior?

I appreciate any help or suggestions you may have!

Answer №1

Utilize the appropriate CSS classes.

If you wish to create an offset of offset-xs-*, subtract this value from a grid system of 12, and then set the columns with col-xs-*.

In your specific scenario,

For extra small devices

<div class="col-xs-11 offset-xs-1">

For medium-sized devices

<div class="col-md-10 offset-md-2">

Combining both would look like:

<div class="col-xs-11 offset-xs-1 col-md-10 offset-md-2 p-y-3">

Answer №2

Your current issue stems from the presence of the "offset-xs-1 offset-md-2" classes within the #social div. These classes are directly responsible for the overflow problem you are experiencing. To address this, consider utilizing alternative classes to achieve your desired layout. If that proves to be challenging, applying overflow: hidden; to the #social div may help resolve the issue.

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