Integrating autoprefix-cli into ANT build

I've been attempting to integrate autoprefix-cli into my ANT build. The code snippet below shows what I've tried so far.

<target name="auto">
<apply executable="autoprefixer-cli.bat" verbose="true" force="true" failonerror="true">
    <arg value="-d" /> <!-- Turn on verbose -->
    <arg value="prefix" />
    <arg value="*.css" />  

However, when I run an ant build, I keep getting an error that says "resource not specified".

D:\tempTest\AntTestProject\build.xml:25: no resources specified

Just to clarify, I am able to access and use autoprefix-cli from the command line. It was installed with the -g flag and functions properly when used directly in the command line.

Answer №1

When it comes to managing tasks, the apply task essentially runs the exec task on a group of resources like files, directories, or URLs. If you only need to execute a single command, it is more appropriate to use the exec task.

However, there may be a need to modify your command. According to Ant's exec task documentation:

It's important to note that .bat files typically cannot be executed directly. Usually, the command shell executable cmd needs to be executed using the /c switch.

It is recommended to use the following format:

<exec executable="cmd" verbose="true" force="true" failonerror="true">
    <arg value="/c" />
    <arg value="autoprefixer-cli.bat" />
    <arg value="-d" />
    <arg value="prefix" />
    <arg value="*.css" />  

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