Are conditional comments truly the best approach? What is their functionality and operation like?

A previous question addressing a div positioning issue in Internet Explorer received multiple suggestions advising the use of conditional commenting

Why is this relatively positioned div displaying differently in IE?

How does one implement conditional comments?

For example:

   <div class="normal"></div>
   <!--[if IE 6]>
   <div class="IE6"></div>

If it is Internet Explorer 6, will this override the first div with class="normal"? If not, there would be two divs for Explorer 6...

What may be causing this positioning problem?

I even tried creating a new HTML document with a simple "hello world" text inside a div with relative position, and in IE it behaves differently, being about 3px further down than in other browsers...

Thank you

Answer №1

This method is commonly utilized to incorporate additional CSS code that addresses specific issues related to compatibility problems in Internet Explorer 6.

For example, the top section of our website appears similar to this...

<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="/css/common.css" />
<!--[if IE 6]>
    <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="/css/ie.css">

The primary stylesheet is loaded first, followed by the IE6-specific stylesheet which overrides certain definitions to rectify issues in Internet Explorer.

If different content is required, both sets of content (regular and IE-specific) can be included with the IE content initially hidden using standard CSS techniques (display:none), and then modified as needed within the IE6 stylesheet.

Answer №2

Definitely not the recommended path to take.

These methods are not standard, they are exclusive, they demonstrate poor practice, and they are completely avoidable.

whatever {
    foo: bar !important; /* intended for browsers other than IE6 */
    foo: baz; /* specifically for IE6 */
child { /* designed for IE6 */ }
parent > child { /* aimed at browsers other than IE6 */ }

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