What is the best way to split an array into four columns and allocate 10 <li> items from the array to each column?

If I have a dynamic array with 40 elements that changes on every render, how can I loop through the array and return 4 groups of elements, each containing 10 items without any repetition? I want to style these objects in the array using a parent flex container with 4 div elements set to flex:25%, and the li elements as children. How can I achieve this using JavaScript when the images are not static?

Answer №1

JavaScript provides a solution for this task.

var myArray = [];
var i = 0;
  myArray.push("Element "+i);

var obj = document.getElementById("temp_main");
counter = 10;
firstElement = true;
output = '';

  var temp = '<div class="row">' + myArray[i] + '</div>';
    temp = '<div class="column">' + temp;
    if( !firstElement ) temp = '</div>' +  temp;
    counter = 0;
  output += temp;
  firstElement = false;

output += '</div>'; //closing last column
obj.innerHTML = output;

  border:1px red solid;

<div id="temp_main">


I trust that you find this information beneficial!

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