Designing a captivating loading screen in Sencha Touch optimized for various mobile device resolutions

I am currently working with Sencha Touch 1.1 and I need my application to be compatible across various mobile platforms such as Android, iPhone, iPad, and Blackberry. One of the requirements is to have a splash screen at startup, which I have tried implementing using the body background property.

<body bgcolor="0000" style="background-image: url('images/background.png');"></body>

Here is the code snippet I used:

onReady: function() {
        var panel = new Ext.Panel({
            fullscreen : true,
            html : "Start Up Screen Test"

Unfortunately, this approach did not work as expected. I need assistance in achieving this for devices with varying resolutions in a more generic manner. Can someone please advise on how to proceed?

Answer №1

Guidance on accessing solutions is provided here, including various images tailored for blackberry screens of different sizes. Follow this link to learn more

Answer №2

To create the splash screen for your phone or tablet, follow these steps:

Ext.regApplication('App', {

    icon: 'public/resources/images/Icon.png',

    tabletStartupScreen: 'public/resources/images/tabletImage.png',

    phoneStartupScreen: 'public/resources/images/phoneImage.png',

    glossOnIcon: true,

    fullscreen: true,

    launch: function() {

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