What steps can be taken to turn off specific warning rules for CSS mode in ACE editor?

Utilizing the Ace Editor (through Brace and React-Ace) is a key aspect of my project.

In our implementation, we specify the editor's mode as "css" and integrate it into our webpage. While this setup functions correctly, we have observed that some of the CSS rule highlighting can be overly strict by default — certain warnings should perhaps be categorized as "info," while some errors could be considered "warnings."

Is there a way to adjust or customize the validation rules for Info, Error, and Warnings in the Ace Editor when operating in CSS mode?

I believe I've identified a relevant line of code in the Ace CSS worker, but I'm uncertain about how to utilize it effectively. Moreover, I am unaware of where to access a comprehensive list detailing the names of the various validation rules even if I were able to make use of this function.

The following snippet represents the basic instantiation process for the react ace component...

import brace from 'brace';
import AceEditor from 'react-ace';
import 'brace/mode/css';
import 'brace/theme/monokai';


Answer №1

After receiving a helpful hint from a resolved ACE editor problem, I managed to find a solution.

Upon the initialization of the editor, locate the "worker" instance and use either the setInfoRules or setDisabledRules methods with a list of CSS lint rules IDs separated by "|". (In the case of React-Ace, you can access the newly loaded editor through the onLoad prop).

Since Ace uses the CSS linter known as csslint, the applicable rule IDs for enabling/disabling are related to CSS lint. Refer to the CSS Lint rule list.

Below is the code implementation...

const INFO_RULES = [
  // Disable "Heading (h2) has already been defined." warning
  // Disable "Heading (h2) should not be qualified." warning

  // Disable "Don't use adjoining classes." warning
  // Disable "Rule doesn't have all its properties in alphabetical ordered." warning

const onEditSessionInit = (editSession)=> {
  editSession.$worker.call('setInfoRules', [INFO_RULES.join('|')]) ;
  editSession.$worker.call('setDisabledRules', [DISABLED_RULES.join('|')]) ;

const CSSCodeEditor = (props)=>
    onLoad={(editor)=> {

May this guide benefit others in the future...

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