The leaking of angular-material CSS onto other divs is causing unexpected styling

I am having trouble incorporating Angular Material's md-autocomplete into my angular application. I have already customized the CSS being used in my application, but when I add the Angular Material CSS, it messes up the entire page.

Even when I tried scoping the CSS specifically to that div, it still manages to override the parent CSS as well.

This is how I inserted the CSS into my page :

    The complete Angular material CSS code goes here.

I assumed that the above method would confine the CSS only to that particular div. However, it seems to leak into other divs as well.

I also attempted to remove portions of the original CSS in order to streamline it to only the styles required by md-autocomplete. Unfortunately, this process is time-consuming and the outcomes are not satisfactory.

Can someone please advise me on how to effectively implement the md-autocomplete feature within my existing HTML file?

Answer №1

it is not possible to achieve what you are attempting in CSS as shown in the code below

        color: red;
  some text

        border: 1px solid brown;
  another text

In the past, it was feasible with <style scoped> but this feature has since been discontinued.

    <style scoped>
        @import "style.css";

Alternatively, you could utilize a CSS preprocessor like Less or Sass

.your-class {
    @include 'style.css';

For more information, please refer to Link external CSS file only for specific Div

I hope I have addressed your inquiry satisfactorily

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