Is there a way to dynamically update the text in an HTML element with a randomly generated value using JavaScript?

Currently, I am working on a coding project where I am attempting to create a flip box that reveals the name of a superhero from an array when clicked by a user. The code pen link provided showcases my progress so far:

The code functions as expected with the use of alert() in the code pen example. It randomizes and displays a superhero name each time a square is clicked. However, my goal is to have the result displayed after the square is clicked and flipped. Instead of showing "Back", I want it to reveal one of the random superhero names. I've attempted to achieve this by using both .textContent and .innerHTML methods but have been unsuccessful. Here is the snippet of code I've tried:


function setupSquares() {
    for(var i = 0; i < frontSquare.length; i++) {
        frontSquare[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
            var randomNumber = frontSquare[i] = generateRandomNumbers(numbers);
            for(var j = 0; j < superhero.length; j++) {
                var index = superhero.indexOf(superhero[j]);
                if(randomNumber === index){
                    backSquare.textContent = superhero[j];

... (remaining content unchanged)

Answer №1

If you want to access the .back of the .front element that was clicked, you can achieve this using the code snippet below:

this.parentNode.querySelector('.back').innerText = superhero[j];

In your scenario, there are some key aspects missing. Firstly, note that backSquare is an array, so you must specify which element within it you wish to update. Instead of using

backSquare.textContent = superhero[j];
, opt for
backSquare[i].innerText = superhero[j]
to target the same i-th element in backSquare as in frontSquare. However, be cautious because this approach might not work due to the use of var i = ... in the loop variable - var does not create a closure over the loop. To rectify this, consider switching from var to let.

For further information, refer to: Closures versus ES6 Let

Alternatively, you can utilize the keyword this which points to the current clicked element. This means that this will represent the element being clicked when used in conjunction with your addEventListener function.

To learn more about this:

See a live demonstration here:

Answer №2

Another method to achieve the same result is by using this code snippet:

this.closest('.card').querySelector('.back').textContent = superhero[j]

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