Tips for Formatting Mandatory Message Input Fields and Text Boxes

I am in the process of creating a contact page for my Reactjs website, but I am unsure how to style the required message that should appear below the input or textarea upon clicking Submit. Can anyone guide me on how to achieve this?

Relevant Code

<form className='contact-form' onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
    Fields marked with an <span className='red'>∗</span> are mandatory.
    <div className='form-item'>
        <label htmlFor="name">Name <span className='red'>∗</span></label>
        <input className='name'
            required />
    <div className='form-item'>
        <label htmlFor="email">Email <span className='red'>∗</span></label>
        <input className='email'
            required />
    <div className='form-item'>
        <label htmlFor="subject">Subject <span className='red'>∗</span></label>
        <input className='subject'
            required />
    <div className='form-item'>
        <label htmlFor="message">Message <span className='red'>∗</span></label>
        <textarea name='message'
            required />
    <button className='btn' type='submit' disabled={this.state.disabled}>Submit</button>
    <div className={this.state.isSent ? 'message-open':'message'}>Your message has been sent.</div>

Answer №1

Incorporating the constraint validation API into your code can be beneficial. There is a specific pseudo class called invalid that you can utilize.

To provide warning messages below each input element, you can apply CSS to set the visibility of a designated element to hidden. When the inputs become invalid due to constraints, you can then make them visible.

small {
  visibility: hidden;

small:invalid {
  visibility: visible;

This method is effective for all types of constraints. If you specifically want the behavior to apply only to required fields, you can target them using appropriate selectors.

input:required + small {
  visibility: hidden;

input:required + small:invalid {
  visibility: visible;

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