Drawing on Canvas with Html5, shifting canvas results in significant issues

I've been working on developing an HTML5 drawing app, and while I have all the functionality sorted out, I'm facing challenges during the design phase. My main issue is centered around trying to make everything look visually appealing. Specifically, I want to center my drawing board within a div container. However, when I apply CSS styles to the container, it ends up moving the container but also pushes the drawing board/canvas outside of its boundaries, resulting in it being off-screen and away from my drawing cursor. Is there a way to ensure that everything moves together seamlessly and correctly? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please note that there's quite a bit of code involved.

<div class="snippet" data-lang="js" data-hide="false" data-console="true">
<!-- Code snippet here... -->

    <div class="col-md-8 canvas-boards" style="margin-left: -6px;   margin-top: -33px;">
      <canvas id="board" width="438" height="440" style="z-index: 0;"></canvas>
      <canvas id="board2" width="438" height="475" style="z-index: 1;"></canvas>    

Answer №1

After encountering an issue, I came up with this solution that worked for me. Appreciate the help!

mouseX = (event.touches !== undefined) ? (event.touches[0].pageX - bRect.left)*(canvas2.width/bRect.width) : event.offsetX || event.pageX-$('#board2').offset().left,

mouseY = (event.touches !== undefined) ? (event.touches[0].pageY - bRect.top)*(canvas2.height/bRect.height) : event.offsetY || event.pageY-$('#board2').offset

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