Difficulties arise when trying to align text vertically between two floating images

After running the code, I noticed that the text "Text Here" is positioned at the bottom of the div instead of the top. I have attempted to adjust it using properties like vertical-align, padding, and margin-top within the .subText styling, but so far, I haven't been able to resolve the issue.

Here is the HTML and CSS code snippet:

#footballLeft {
  float: left;
  vertical-align: middle;
#footballRight {
  float: right;
  vertical-align: middle;
.subText {
  text-align: center;
<div class="sect sectTwo"></div>
<div id="footballSection" class="subSection">
  <h1 class="titles">FOOTBALL</h1>
  <div class="subSubSection">
    <img src="img/teamhuddle.jpg" height="30%" width="30%" alt="Team Huddle" id="footballLeft" />
    <img src="img/womens1.jpg" alt="Womens First Team" height="30%" width="30%" id="footballRight" />
    <p class="subText">Text Here</p>

Answer №1

I tested your code and it seems to be working fine for me. If you are still experiencing issues, I recommend trying to refresh your browser or adding the following code snippet:

.subText {
    left: 220px;

This should have the same effect as centering the element.

Answer №2

Your content is already visible at the top for me. Note: Floated elements don't get affected by vertical-align

Can we use display:inline-block instead of floats? https://jsfiddle.net/xw9fce28/


<div class="sect sectTwo"></div>
    <div id="footballSection" class="subSection">
    <h1 class="titles">FOOTBALL</h1>
    <div class="subSubSection">
    <img src="http://image.flaticon.com/teams/1-freepik.jpg" height="30%" width="30%" alt="Team Huddle" class="football" />  
    <p class="subText">Insert Text Here</p> 
    <img src="http://image.flaticon.com/teams/1-freepik.jpg" alt="Womens First Team" height="30%" width="30%" class="football" />


.football {
   vertical-align: top;
.subText {

Answer №3

The code was functioning properly, however I realized that there was a part in my CSS file that I had commented out while testing and accidentally omitted the closing bracket within the comment.

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