Issue in Ionic 3 where ion-list does not scroll vertically on iOS devices when ion-items are dynamically generated using ngFor within the ion-list

When using Ionic v3 to develop a hybrid app, I encountered an issue where ion-items within an ion-list generated using *ngFor are not scrollable on iOS devices. Strangely, this problem does not occur on Android devices.

Here is the HTML code snippet:

<ion-list class="scroll-content">
<ion-item *ngFor="let diaryEvent of diaryEvents">
  <h2>{{ diaryEvent.title || "None" }}</h2>
  <h3>{{ moment("YYYY-MM-DD") }}</h3>
  <p>{{ diaryEvent.notes }}</p>
    <ion-icon *ngIf="diaryEvent.videoFilePath" name="videocam" (click)="eventPopup($event, diaryEvent)"></ion-icon>
    <ion-icon *ngIf="diaryEvent.audioFilePath" name="mic" (click)="eventPopup($event, diaryEvent)"></ion-icon>
  <span (click)="viewDiaryEvent(diaryEvent)">
    <ion-icon name="eye"></ion-icon>
  <span (click)="editEvent(diaryEvent)">
    <ion-icon name="create" ></ion-icon>

And here is the accompanying CSS:

  overflow-y:scroll !important;

I am hoping to find a solution that will allow for smooth scrolling on iOS devices similar to what is experienced on Android devices. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated as I have been struggling with this issue for several days now.

If there are any errors in my question format or language, please forgive me as this is my first time posting here.

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

For optimal performance, consider placing your list within the <ion-content> tag and eliminating any unnecessary CSS classes. This will allow the component to manage scrolling efficiently and provide event tracking capabilities as needed.

More information can be found at:

Answer №2

I found a solution that fixed my issue by upgrading the ionic-angular version from 3.9.2 to 3.9.5 in package.json, followed by running npm install. Appreciate the help!

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