Discover the secret to creating a seamless looping effect on text using CSS gradients, giving the illusion of an endless loop

Could use some assistance with looping this gradient smoothly over the text without any annoying jumps appearing during the animation. Is there a way to achieve a seamless movement across the text? Any suggestions on how to approach this?
Here is a live example of my code on CodePen, and below is the corresponding HTML and CSS:

<pre class="header">
88888888888 888    888 8888888888      8888888b.   .d88888b.   .d8888b.   .d8888b.  888     888 888b     d888      8888888b.  8888888888 888b    888
    888     888    888 888             888   Y88b d88P" "Y88b d88P  Y88b d88P  Y88b 888     888 8888b   d8888      888  "Y88b 888        8888b   888
    888     888    888 888             888    888 888     888 Y88b.      Y88b.      888     888 88888b.d88888      888    888 888        88888b  888
    888     8888888888 8888888         888   d88P 888     888  "Y888b.    "Y888b.   888     888 888Y88888P888      888    888 8888888    888Y88b 888
    888     888    888 888             8888888P"  888     888     "Y88b.     "Y88b. 888     888 888 Y888P 888      888    888 888        888 Y88b888
    888     888    888 888             888        888     888       "888       "888 888     888 888  Y8P  888      888    888 888        888  Y88888
    888     888    888 888             888        Y88b. .d88P Y88b  d88P Y88b  d88P Y88b. .d88P 888   "   888      888  .d88P 888        888   Y8888
    888     888    888 8888888888      888         "Y88888P"   "Y8888P"   "Y8888P"   "Y88888P"  888       888      8888888P"  8888888888 888    Y888

  text-align: center;

  font-family: monospace;
  linear-gradient(to right, #ff0000 0%, #ff9a00 10%, #d1de21 20%, #4fdc4a 30%, #3fdad8 40%, #2fc9e2 50%, #1c7fee 60%, #5f15f2 70%, #ba0cf8 80%, #fb07d9 90%, #ff0000 100%);
  -webkit-background-clip: text;
  -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
  animation: move 35s linear infinite;

@keyframes move {
    to {
        background-position: 1600vh;

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated as I'm struggling with this. Thank you!

Answer №1

When the text is displayed in monospace font, we have the ability to set the width of the block using ch units.

To ensure that the text remains centered within the header while being assigned the ch width, this code snippet creates an animation where the background moves from left to right, covering the width of the text (similar to the original query but with a shorter distance). The repetition of this animation ensures a smooth transition without any flickering effects.

.header .inner{
  --len: 148ch;
  width: var(--len);
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0 auto;
  text-align: center;
  font-family: monospace;
  linear-gradient(to right, #ff0000 0%, #ff9a00 10%, #d1de21 20%, #4fdc4a 30%, #3fdad8 40%, #2fc9e2 50%, #1c7fee 60%, #5f15f2 70%, #ba0cf8 80%, #fb07d9 90%, #ff0000 100%);
  background-position: 0 0, 0 0;
  background-color: pink;
  -webkit-background-clip: text;
  -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
  animation: move 1s linear infinite;

@keyframes move {
    to {
        background-position: var(--len) 0, 0 0;

<div class="header">
<pre class="inner">

88888888888 888    888 8888888888      8888888b.   .d88888b.   .d8888b.   .d8888b.  888     888 888b     d888      8888888b.  8888888888 888b    888
    888     888    888 888             888   Y88b d88P" "Y88b d88P  Y88b d88P  Y88b 888     888 8888b   d8888      888  "Y88b 888        8888b   888
    888     888    888 888             888    888 888     888 Y88b.      Y88b.      888     888 88888b.d88888      888    888 888        88888b  888
    888     8888888888 8888888         888   d88P 888     888  "Y888b.    "Y888b.   888     888 888Y88888P888      888    888 8888888    888Y88b 888
    888     888    888 888             8888888P"  888     888     "Y88b.     "Y88b. 888     888 888 Y888P 888      888    888 888        888 Y88b888
    888     888    888 888             888        888     888       "888       "888 888     888 888  Y8P  888      888    888 888        888  Y88888
    888     888    888 888             888        Y88b. .d88P Y88b  d88P Y88b  d88P Y88b. .d88P 888   "   888      888  .d88P 888        888   Y8888
    888     888    888 8888888888      888         "Y88888P"   "Y8888P"   "Y8888P"   "Y88888P"  888       888      8888888P"  8888888888 888    Y888</pre>

Answer №2

consider the following where you don't need any hardcoded values:

  font-family: monospace;
  linear-gradient(90deg, #ff0000 0%, #ff9a00 10%, #d1de21 20%, #4fdc4a 30%, #3fdad8 40%, #2fc9e2 50%, #1c7fee 60%, #5f15f2 70%, #ba0cf8 80%, #fb07d9 90%, #ff0000 100%)
    left/50% 100%; /* 50% = half the width*/
  -webkit-background-clip: text;
  background-clip: text;
  animation: move 1s linear infinite;

@keyframes move {
  to {
    background-position: right; /* you simply animate to right*/

body {
  text-align: center;
<pre class="header">
88888888888 888    888 8888888888      8888888b.   .d88888b.   .d8888b.   .d8888b.  888     888 888b     d888      8888888b.  8888888888 888b    888
    888     888    888 888             888   Y88b d88P" "Y88b d88P  Y88b d88P  Y88b 888     888 8888b   d8888      888  "Y88b 888        8888b   888
    888     888    888 888             888    888 888     888 Y88b.      Y88b.      888     888 88888b.d88888      888    888 888        88888b  888
    888     8888888888 8888888         888   d88P 888     888  "Y888b.    "Y888b.   888     888 888Y88888P888      888    888 8888888    888Y88b 888
    888     888    888 888             8888888P"  888     888     "Y88b.     "Y88b. 888     888 888 Y888P 888      888    888 888        888 Y88b888
    888     888    888 888             888        888     888       "888       "888 888     888 888  Y8P  888      888    888 888        888  Y88888
    888     888    888 888             888        Y88b. .d88P Y88b  d88P Y88b  d88P Y88b. .d88P 888   "   888      888  .d88P 888        888   Y8888
    888     888    888 8888888888      888         "Y88888P"   "Y8888P"   "Y8888P"   "Y88888P"  888       888      8888888P"  8888888888 888    Y888
  <pre class="header" style="font-size:5px">
<!-- Unique content goes here -->

Another variant:

  font-family: monospace;
  linear-gradient(90deg, #ff0000 0%, #ff9a00 10%, #d1de21 20%, #4fdc4a 30%, #3fdad8 40%, #2fc9e2 50%, #1c7fee 60%, #5f15f2 70%, #ba0cf8 80%, #fb07d9 90%, #ff0000 100%)
    left/200% 100%; /* 200% = twice the width*/
  -webkit-background-clip: text;
  background-clip: text;
  animation: move 1s linear infinite;

@keyframes move {
  to {
    background-position: -200% 0; 

body {
  text-align: center;
<pre class="header">
<!-- Unique content goes here -->
  <pre class="header" style="font-size:5px">
<!-- Unique content goes here -->

Related question to get more detail about the values: Using percentage values with background-position on a linear-gradient

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