Eclipse now features automatic CSS class suggestions to help streamline your coding

After using NetBeans for a while, I am now considering making the switch to Eclipse. Everything seems fine, but one thing that is bothering me is that Eclipse does not provide CSS class proposals like NetBeans does. In NetBeans, whenever I use or create a CSS class, it automatically appears as a proposal in the CSS file. It also suggests classes from previously used ones or from frameworks like Bootstrap. The difference can be seen in the images below:

For CSS file in NetBeans:

For PHP file in NetBeans:

However, when working in Eclipse, no CSS class or ID proposals are shown. This can be seen in the images below:

For PHP file in Eclipse:

For CSS file in Eclipse: I am currently using Eclipse Mars and have the WTP WebResources plugin installed.

Answer №1

Try updating the Eclipse Web Toolkit Platform packages by either using the Eclipse Marketplace tool or selecting Install New Software from the Help menu.

Check out WTP Tools in the Eclipse marketplace for more options.

If you're looking for a comprehensive web development environment tailored for front end developers, consider installing the Genuitec Webclipse packages.

Visit to learn more.

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