Fade out a component in Material UI/React by setting a timeout in the parent's useEffect hook for when it unmounts

Incorporating a fade out transition into my child component, <Welcome />, using Material UI's Fade component is my current goal. This transition should be triggered by two specific conditions:

  1. The timeout set in the useEffect function expires.
  2. When the user clicks on a different element (in this case, it's Pano).

Originally, I had the component handling its own state logic. However, to address the second condition, I realized that the conditional logic needed to be moved to the parent component and passed down as props.

function App() {
 const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(true);

 useEffect(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 8000);
  }, []);

return (
  <Fade in={isVisible} exit={!isVisible}>
    <Welcome setIsVisible={isVisible} isVisible={isVisible} />
  <Pano ... />

The child component responsible for fading in/out looks like this:

export const Welcome = (props) => {
  const shown = props.isVisible

  return shown ? (
    <div className="wrapper">
      <img src={...} alt="welcome instructions" />
      <p>Click and drag to explore.</p>
      <p>Select icons for more information.</p>
  ) : <div />;

Answer №1

After some consideration, I decided to switch over to Framer Motion for this task. It became apparent that all I really needed was the exit animation, as I already had a gentle blinking effect on the component when it initially loaded. By adjusting the fade speed on the first keyframe, I was able to achieve the desired result. Using Framer's <AnimatePresence> with a timeout function worked perfectly for this situation.

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