The issue with the page width is occurring due to a bug related to the

When pages contain the AddThis code, they tend to become very wide due to the code itself, resulting in a horizontal scroll bar appearing.

However, by removing the code or changing the page direction to LTR, the issue is resolved and the page width returns to normal.

The problem arises when using RTL direction (html dir="rtl") and trying to place the AddThis code into a div with an LTR direction, which does not resolve the issue.

Is there a way to eliminate the horizontal scroll bar while still utilizing an RTL direction?

Answer №1

Within the AddThis html, there are certain spans that are automatically inserted into the page. Some of these spans utilize the ".at_a11y" css-class, which includes a left attribute that is causing a horizontal scroll.

.at_a11y {
position: absolute!important;
left: -10000px!important;
top: auto!important;
width: 1px!important;
height: 1px!important;
overflow: hidden!important;

Solution: To fix this issue, you can create your own '.at_a11y' css class in your custom css files and reset the left attribute to a normal value. By doing this, the problematic css attribute will no longer cause a horizontal scroll!

    left: auto !important;

Answer №2

I encountered the same issue and was able to find a solution within your post!

The key point was adjusting the CSS styling for the inner div instead of the body, specifically focusing on RTL LTR alignment.

        <div class="wrapper">
       -- insert code for addthis somewhere on the page... --

By ensuring that the .wrapper class is set to LTR in the CSS rather than RTL, the result will be:

Answer №3

To fix this issue, simply add the following code: html{ overflow-x:hidden; }

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