Custom control unable to display MP3 file

Hey, I came across this awesome button that I am really interested in using:

I'm currently facing two issues with it. First, I can't seem to play the sound. I've placed the mp3 file in the root directory and I believe I need to add something like

<button class='button'>
  <sound src="play.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">

Although the standard audio control functions properly, I really want to implement this stylish button. Also, how can I align text to the right of the button?

Furthermore, if I wish to create a list of audio files, what would be the best approach?

Thank you for your assistance 🤟

Answer â„–1

To position text beside a button, you can enclose everything in another div with the CSS properties display: flex; and flex-direction: row;

When it comes to handling audio, I utilize JavaScript to create a new audio object which allows for easy playback control.

If you need to incorporate multiple sounds, simply modify the toggleSound() function to accept a string parameter for the song name. By iterating over the string, you can dynamically check for associated sounds making this method scalable. Add more audio objects along with additional cases in the switch statement and buttons to manage them effortlessly.

In each button, ensure to specify the corresponding audio name so that you can have numerous buttons triggering a single sound.

// example of setting up audio files
const song1 = new Audio(

// another sample audio file
const song2 = new Audio(

function toggleSound(audioName) {
  // switch case to handle different audio files
  switch(audioName.toString()) {
    case "song1":
      var x = song1;
    case "song2":
      var x = song2;
      // set default audio file
      var x = song1;
  if (x.paused) {;
  } else {
.button {
  margin: 0 10px 10px 0;
  background: lightgray;

.button:hover {
  cursor: pointer;

.parent {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
<div class="parent">
  <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
    <!-- your cool button div -->
    <div onclick="toggleSound('song1');" class="button">
      Song 1
    Impressive button linked to the first song.
  <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
    <!-- your cool button div -->
    <div onclick="toggleSound('song2');" class="button">
      Song 2
    Button for the second song.

Answer â„–2

Here is an example of using HTML:

<button onclick="togglePlay()">Toggle Play</button>
<audio src="music.mp3" id="audioPlayer"></audio>

And JavaScript code for the function:

function togglePlay() {
    var audio = document.getElementById("audioPlayer");
    if(audio.paused) {;
    } else {

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