The issue with HTML where the header and footer elements are continuously repeating when

I'm struggling with the title header and footer repeating on every printed page. I just want to show the title at the top of the page and display the footer at the end of the print page. Can anyone provide a solution or suggestion? You can view my fiddle or HTML code below. Thank you!


entire html

@media screen
@media print

<button onclick="printDiv();">Print it</button>
  <table class="report-container" name="table" id="table"  >
    <thead class="report-header">
  <th colspan="9"><div class="titles">Title Header <br></div></th>
     <td>ID Number</td>
     <td>ID &nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
     <td>Date Received</td>
    <td colspan=9><div class="footer">Title Footer</div></td>
<tbody class="report-content">
     <td class="report-content-cell">
       <div class="main">fas</div>
  (multiple table rows here)


    <script ="text/javascript">

    function printDiv() {
     var divToPrint = document.getElementById('table');
     var htmlToPrint = '' +
    '<style type="text/css">' +
        'table td {' +
    'border:1px solid #dddddd;' +
    'padding:8px;' +
    '}' +

    'table  {' +
    'border-collapse: collapse;' +
    'width: 100%;' +
    '}' +
    htmlToPrint += divToPrint.outerHTML;
    newWin ="");

Answer №1

Regrettably, the task you are attempting is not a standard feature of thead and tfoot elements according to specifications. However, there are some creative techniques that can be used to simulate the desired outcome. Here's one approach that comes to mind:

To make the table footer visible, you can adjust its display property to table-row-group, detach it from the table, and then reattach it to the table.

// Display footer on last page only
let tbl = document.getElementById('table');
let footer = tbl.getElementsByTagName('tfoot')[0]; = 'table-row-group';

As for the table header, or essentially the main heading, I suggest duplicating the "title" node, applying the necessary formatting, inserting it at the beginning of the table, and removing the original node afterward.

// Display header on first page only
let title = document.querySelector('.titles');
let newTitle = title.cloneNode(true); = "center"; = "bold";

You can integrate these code blocks at the start of your print function, as demonstrated in the revised Fiddle available here:

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