When using React <p> and Tailwind, the text overflow occurs in either the X or Y axis, despite specifying Y specifically

I am building a React frontend using TailwindCSS 2.2, and I have these two texts inside a <p>



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vitae augue ac elit consequat porttitor id sed nunc. Maecenas cursus leo et urna tristique vestibulum id sit amet turpis. Maecenas efficitur accumsan nibh, nec bibendum magna ultricies id. Duis lacus quam, interdum sit amet lacus in, dapibus convallis leo. Etiam nec metus nibh. Vestibulum ipsum nisl, ullamcorper eget dictum et, rhoncus et mi. Nunc et ligula ac lacus suscipit varius sit amet nec orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla condimentum libero ut nisl scelerisque, in fermentum augue...

In the image provided, the 'D's overflow vertically while the 'LoremIpsum' text overflows horizontally (as intended). What could be causing this issue?


<p className = "text-md text-gray-600 w-full text-start max-h-60 overflow-y-auto break-normal"> 

These elements are contained within a div with the following classes:

w-full p-5 shadow-md rounded-md flex flex-col gap-2 items-center max-w-sm flex-shrink-0

Answer №1

To resolve this issue, make sure to include the word-break property in your CSS styles. Here is an example of how you can do it:

element {
    overflow-wrap: normal;
    word-break: normal;

If you need more detailed information on this topic, feel free to check out this resource.

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