The issue with height percentages being ineffective in CSS

My goal is to utilize the height property with percentages, however it seems to be ineffective. I desire to use percentages so that the layout appears well in various resolutions.

<div id="bloque_1" style="height: 80%;background: red">

Can anyone provide guidance on how to make this function properly?

Answer №1

Before using % for width or height, it's important to consider what that percentage is relative to. Make sure to specify a height for the parent element as well. If your element is within the body tag, include this CSS:

html, body {
   height: 100%;

Now your div will be 80% of 100%

Check out the demo here

Keep in mind that when working with absolutely positioned elements, there may be situations where your div doesn't exceed the current viewport height. In those cases, use min-height

Answer №2

To avoid getting 80% of 0, it is important to ensure that everything outside of bloque_1 has a defined height. In some cases, applying a height of 100% to the body may also be necessary.

If you want to see this concept in action, check out this jsfiddle.

Answer №3

Set the height of your parent element to 100%

HTML snippet-

<div id="bloque_1" style="height:80%;background:red;width:100%;">   

CSS Section-

html, body {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    background: #3c3c3c;

Check out the demonstration here -

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