The issue of Google fonts failing to load on Windows browsers while loading perfectly on Mac browsers has been observed


I am currently the Front End developer for

Our website is using "Lato," a Google font.

The issue we are experiencing is that when you access the site from a Windows (8.1) browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer, the font fails to load and defaults to sans-serif.

However, when accessing it from a Mac browser, the font displays correctly.

Any recommendations on how to fix this?

Answer №1

According to the information provided in your developer tool:

The page at '' was accessed via HTTPS, but included insecure content from '': it is recommended for this content to be loaded over a secure connection (HTTPS).


Answer №2

When attempting to load a font using the http: protocol from a page that has been loaded using the https: protocol, there may be some variations in how different browsers handle the mixing of secure and unsecure content. Additionally, user settings can also impact how this situation is managed. Typically, unsecure content will not be loaded on a secure page unless specifically allowed.

To address this issue, simply modify the protocol in the link tag:

<link href=',400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

Answer №3

If you're struggling with limited information, consider looking at this helpful resource:

Troubleshooting CSS @font-face compatibility issues with IE8

It's worth checking if you have specified the correct version of Internet Explorer for support.

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