Is there a way to modify the background shade of an HTML meter element?

Can the background color of an HTML meter be customized?

I noticed that by default, it has a green background.

Is there a way to change this green background to a different color?

I attempted using the style attribute with a red background color, but it still remained green.

 <meter style="background-color:red;" min="0" low="40" high="95" max="100" value="65">

Answer №1

meter::-webkit-meter-optimum-value {
  background: red;
meter::-moz-meter-bar { /* Firefox Pseudo Class */
  background: red;
<meter min="0" low="40" high="95" max="100" value="65">

Answer №2

meter::-webkit-meter-optimum-value {
    background: blue; /* Purple */
<meter min="0" low="40" high="95" max="100" value="65" col>

Answer №3

Customizing meters for Chrome:

/*meter */
meter::-webkit-meter-bar {background: #e6e6e9;} /*set background color of the bar*/
meter::-webkit-meter-optimum-value {background: green;}

Adjusting meter styles for Firefox:

/*meter */
/*bar with single color value*/
meter::-moz-meter-bar {background: red;}  /* define color of the bar*/

/* bar with varying colors based on thresholds*/
/* between "low" and "high" thresholds*/
meter::-moz-meter-optimum-value {background: lightgreen;} 
/*below "low" threshold or above "high" threshold*/

Answer №4

To apply styling to the meter value, you must first select it and then customize its appearance accordingly. For additional information and examples, please visit this link.

meter::-webkit-meter-optimum-value {
      box-shadow: 0 5px 5px -5px #999 inset;
      background-image: linear-gradient(
        #8bcf69 5%, 
        #e6d450 5%,
        #e6d450 15%,
        #f28f68 15%,
        #f28f68 55%,
        #cf82bf 55%,
        #cf82bf 95%,
        #719fd1 95%,
        #719fd1 100%
      background-size: 100% 100%;
<meter value="0.6"></meter>

Answer №5

<progress min="0" low="40" high="95" max="100" value="65">

progress::-webkit-progress-value {
    background: blue; /* Red */

Answer №6

If you're seeking assistance with meters, I've left this information here for you.

I recently developed a personalized meter rather than utilizing the standard HTML meter for more customization options. Below is an example of what I devised. You can access the complete package at Github.

var inlineCSS = function(id, attribute, value) {
  switch (attribute) {
    /* layer 1 attributes */
    case 'meter-color':
      $(id)[0].style.backgroundColor = value;
      $(id)[0].style.backgroundImage = "none";
    case 'meter-length':
      var lengthArr = ["super-long", "x-long", "long", "normal", "short", "x-short", "super-short"];
      var lengthSizes = ["95%", "80%", "65%", "50%", "35%", "20%", "5%"];

      if (jQuery.inArray(value, lengthArr) !== -1) {
        $(id)[0].style.width = lengthSizes[jQuery.inArray(value, lengthArr)];
      } else {
        $(id)[0].style.width = value;
    case 'meter-thickness':
      var heightArr = ["super-thick", "x-thick", "thick", "thin", "x-thin", "super-thin"];
      var heightSizes = [30 * 1.75, 30 * 1.5, 30 * 1.25, 30 * 0.75, 30 * 0.5, 30 * 0.25];

      if (jQuery.inArray(value, heightArr) !== -1) {
        $(id)[0].style.height = heightSizes[jQuery.inArray(value, heightArr)] + "px";
    case 'meter-shadow':
$(document).ready(function() {
  $(".meter > span").each(function() {
    $(this).data("origWidth", ($(this).width() / $(this).parent().width()) * 100)
        width: $(this).data("origWidth") + "%"
      }, 3600);

  $(".meter").each(function() {
     * options              : meter options passed by data-options attribute
     * selector             : value used to reference html element for meter update
    var options = $(this).data("options");
    var selector = "div#" + $(this).attr("id") + ".meter";

    for (var x in options) {
      if (jQuery.inArray(x, ["meter-color", "meter-length", "meter-thickness", "meter-shadow"]) !== -1) {
        inlineCSS(selector, x, options[x]);
      } else
      if (jQuery.inArray(x, ["candystripe-color", "animation-speed"]) !== -1) {
        inlineCSS(selector + " > span", x, options[x]);
      } else
      if (jQuery.inArray(x, ["reveal-width"]) !== -1) {
        inlineCSS(selector + " > span > span", x, options[x]);
      } else
      if (jQuery.inArray(x, ["font-size", "font-color"]) !== -1) {
        inlineCSS(selector + " > span > span > span", x, options[x]);
      } else {

Answer №7

I created a personalized meter that offers more flexibility than the standard tag with just a few lines of code. This custom meter is compatible with all browsers and allows for easy customization.

function updateMeterValue(val){
    //customize colors and conditions as needed
    let color = val < 33 ? "red" : val < 66 ? "orange" : "green"
    document.getElementById('custom-meter').style = `width:${val}%;background:${color};`

updateMeterValue(document.getElementById('meter-value').value) //initialize with a default value
    background: #000;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 80px;
    height: 12px;
    border: 1px solid #8F8F9D;
    border-radius: 6px;
    box-sizing: border-box;

    height: 100%;
<div class="custom-meter-container">
    <div id="custom-meter"></div>
<input type="number" id="meter-value" onchange="updateMeterValue(this.value)" min="0" max="100" value="50">

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