Randomly positioning an image while the page is loading

I've been developing a portfolio website to showcase my design work, but I've encountered a minor issue.

My goal is to have the images load in random positions and then make them draggable using Dragabilly.

However, sometimes all the images end up clustered in the top corner without their positions being properly defined. Despite this, dragging functionality still works. I suspect that this could be due to the images not fully loading before running the script, but I'm uncertain.

You can view my live site here

Here's the code snippet I'm currently using...

$ ->
$('#menu-button').on 'click', ->
    $('#menu').toggleClass 'closed'

if $(window).width() > 960
    $img = $ '.work-imgs img'

    wdoh = $('.work-desc').outerHeight()
    wl = ($(window).width() - 384) / $img.length
    wh = $(window).height() - wdoh

    $.each _.shuffle($img), (i, e) ->
        e.onload = ->
            rm = wh - $(e).height()
                'left': i * wl + (Math.random() - .75) * 96
                'top': wdoh + Math.random() * rm

    $d = $img.draggabilly()
    $d.on 'pointerDown', ->
        $d.css 'z-index', 0
        $(this).css 'z-index', 1


Example image

Answer №1

The issue at hand is that the browser caches images, which can be beneficial but may prevent the onload event from triggering for all images. In order to ensure the callback is assigned correctly, you must verify if the image has already been loaded.

In order to determine if the image has been loaded prior to the execution of JS code, you can utilize the complete property (mdn).

$.each _.shuffle($img), (i, e) ->
  callback = ->
    rm = wh - $(e).height()
        'left': i * wl + (Math.random() - .75) * 96
        'top': wdoh + Math.random() * rm

  # if the image isn't cached, the onload will fire
  e.onload = callback
  # if the image is cached in the browser, and therefore already
  # loaded, you can run your callback immediately
  callback() if e.completed

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