Issue with transforming rotation in Quirks mode

Currently, I'm developing a website in quirks mode which does not allow the use of . In my project, I am facing an issue where CSS3 translate image is not working in IE10 and 11, although it works fine in IE9 due to the limitations mentioned above. Is there any way to resolve this problem without adding to the code?

Answer №1

In order to clarify, quirks mode is specifically designed to mimic the functionality of IE5.

This means that many HTML, CSS, and JavaScript features introduced after IE5 are disabled in quirks mode.

If you're operating in quirks mode, you'll be limited to the capabilities available in the 1990s with no workaround or solution.

When using quirks mode, you have to accept the fact that your browser's abilities will be very outdated.

Your options include upgrading your software for a more modern browsing experience or resorting to older techniques like custom ActiveX controls or Flash animations - both of which can be visually unappealing.

It's important to start planning for a transition away from quirks mode as the default Edge browser in Windows 10 doesn't support it at all. Eventually, you may not be able to access your site in quirks mode, so preparing for this change sooner rather than later is highly recommended.

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