Is there a way to automatically update the child option when the parent option is altered?

I am attempting to modify the child option based on the parent option selection, similar to how it works in Bootstrap.


<div class="wrap-input100 input100-select bg1">
                    <span class="label-input100">Industry *</span>
                        <select class="js-select2" name="service">
                            <option>Please choose</option>
                            <option>Real Estate</option>
                            <option>General Contract</option>
                        <div class="dropDownSelect2"></div>
                <div class="w-full dis-none js-show-service real-estate-services">
                    <div class="wrap-contact100-form-radio">
                        <span class="label-input100">What service do you need?</span>
                        <div class="contact100-form-radio m-t-15">
                            <input class="input-radio100" id="radio1" type="radio" name="type-product" value="physical"
                            <label class="label-radio100" for="radio1">
                        <div class="contact100-form-radio">
                            <input class="input-radio100" id="radio2" type="radio" name="type-product" value="digital">
                            <label class="label-radio100" for="radio2">
                        <div class="contact100-form-radio">
                            <input class="input-radio100" id="radio3" type="radio" name="type-product" value="service">
                            <label class="label-radio100" for="radio3">


When selecting the real estate option, another set of options appear. I want these options to change to a different list when switching from real estate to construction or any other parent option.

Is there a way to achieve this using Bootstrap, jQuery, or vanilla JavaScript?

I have attempted to use Bootstrap but haven't been successful in making the child options dynamically change based on the selected parent option.

Answer №1

There is a concept known as events. One can observe certain occurrences (event listener). Therefore, it is necessary to listen for a "change" event on the child select tag -

<select onchange="someFunction()">...
. Then within the function, locate the parent using either the document.querySelector method or the document.getElementById() function, and update the parent's value property to the desired new value.

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