Styling columns alternately with CSS - an even-odd approach

I'm having an issue with my html code structure. Here's how it looks:


Specifically, I have 2 articles in one line using float and I want to change their colors like this:

blue green
green blue
blue green
green blue

Can anyone suggest a way to achieve this effect using CSS?

Answer №1

Looking at a pattern with four article elements, it appears that using an offset of 4n can achieve the desired effect. This method is demonstrated in this code snippet (Fiddle):

article {color:blue}
article:nth-child(4n-1), article:nth-child(4n-2) {color:green}

If you prefer to use plus instead of minus, the same outcome can be achieved as shown in this example (Fiddle):

article {color:blue}
article:nth-child(4n+2), article:nth-child(4n+3) {color:green}

To understand the logic behind this approach, it involves shifting the 4n pattern as illustrated:

-1 and +3, or -2 and +2, are congruent mod 4, indicating they refer to the same elements (while technically having different n values).

This concept can be further explored by coloring elements such as 4n and 4n+1 blue, as shown in this alternative demonstration (Fiddle):

article {color:green}
article:nth-child(4n), article:nth-child(4n+1) {color:blue}

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