The vertical-align property in CSS seems to be malfunctioning

Hi there, I'm struggling with the CSS code below:

    position : 'absolute';
    top : '50px';
    left : '50px';
    width : '400px';
    height : '160px';
    padding : '10px';
    border : '2px solid';
    border-color : '#444444';
    background-color : '#FF0000';
    text-align : 'center';
    /*display : inline; tried this also and didn't work.*/

    color : '#123456';
    font-size : '16px';
    font-family : 'Arial';
    vertical-align : 'middle';

I'm trying to center the child's content both horizontally and vertically within the parent div, but it seems to only align at the top of the parent element. Any suggestions on how to achieve this? Thank you.

Answer №1

vertical-align can be misleading, as it doesn't actually align elements in a strictly vertical manner.

If you have a single line of text within a container, you can achieve centering using the line-height property like this:

.container {
    line-height: 180px; /* Height of the container */


Alternatively, you can simulate table-like behavior to vertically center content:

.container {
    display: table;

.content {
    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: middle;


Answer №2

Remove the quotation marks from your CSS property values and include line-height: 160px; in .parent

Answer №3

For this specific scenario where the width is 400 and the height is 160, to find the center of the div, divide the width by 2 and the height by 2 separately. The result will give you the center point of the div.

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