Adjust the button's hue upon clicking it

The current function is operational. Upon pressing the button, it toggles between displaying "click me" and "click me again". However, I desire the button to appear blue when showing "click me" and red when displaying "click me again".

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <button id="toggle" onclick="myFunction()" onclick="setcolor(blue)">click me</button>


            function myFunction() {

                var change = document.getElementById("toggle");
                if (change.innerHTML == "click me again"){
                    change.innerHTML = "click me";
                else {
                    change.innerHTML = "click me again";

Answer №1

Eliminate the additional onclick event from the button, and insert the coloring code within your myFunction:

if (modify.innerHTML == "press me once more") {
    modify.innerHTML = "press me";'green'
else {
    modify.innerHTML = "press me once more";'yellow'

Answer №2

Change background color on button click with a single function

<button id="toggle" onclick="myFunction()" >click me</button>


    function myFunction() {

        var change = document.getElementById("toggle");
        if (change.innerHTML == "click me again")
            change.innerHTML = "click me";
   = "blue"

        else {
            change.innerHTML = "click me again";
 = "red"


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