Trouble with CSS solution for fixed header/columns in HTML table on Firefox

My current project involves implementing sticky headers/columns on a table for the client. Unfortunately, using a real script for this purpose is not feasible due to an already high object count on the page which is resulting in speed issues.

However, I have managed to create a hybrid solution using CSS and JavaScript where I adjust the position of elements left/top as the table scrolls.

The implementation works well across various browsers including Opera, Chrome, Safari, and Maxthon, except for Firefox where it fails to function correctly. Any assistance with resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

I have included the links to my fiddle result pages below:

The functionality includes sticky headers on the first two rows and sticky columns on the first two columns.

Below is the code snippet:

Code snippet will go here...

CSS snippet:

CSS snippet will go here...

HTML snippet:

HTML snippet will go here...

Answer №1

Given that the issue is specific to Firefox, a workaround using CSS transforms with the -moz prefix can be implemented. This allows other browsers to simply ignore it. The code snippet could look something like this:

jQuery('.valuation td[column="A"],.valuation td[column="B"]').css({
    'left': _left,
    '-moz-transform': "translate3d(" + _left + "px,0px,0)"

jQuery('.valuation td[row="1"],.valuation td[row="3"]').css({
    'top': _top,
    '-moz-transform': "translate3d(0px," + _top + "px,0)"

// To handle cases where both translateX and translateY are present
jQuery('.valuation td[row="1"],.valuation td[row="3"]')
     .filter('.valuation td[column="A"],.valuation td[column="B"]')
     .css('-moz-transform', "translate3d(" + _left + "px," + _top + "px,0)");

Here's an example on JsFiddle.

Answer №2

It is recommended to separate the headers from the table and place them in a separate container like another table or individual div elements. Additionally, you can enclose the table within a div with overflow: auto property for better control over its display. The best part is that this setup does not necessitate any use of Javascript, ensuring superior performance.

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