Position items at the center of the grid in material UI

I am having difficulty centering the grid items of material UI. I have tried using the justifyItems and alignItems props as mentioned in the documentation, but I'm still unable to achieve the desired result. Can anyone provide some guidance?

Below is an example of what I have tried, but the grid items seem to be aligning from the beginning instead of being centered:

const HeaderCopy: React.FC = () => {
    const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = React.useState<null | HTMLElement>(null);

    const handleMenu = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => {

    const handleClose = () => {
    return (
            <Grid container  alignItems="center" justifyContent="center">
                <Grid item xs={3}>
                    <img src="/public/logo.png" />
                <Grid item xs={6}>
                    <Typography component="div">ALl IS WELL</Typography>
                <Grid item xs={3}>
                        aria-label="account of current user"
                        <AccountCircle />
                            vertical: "bottom",
                            horizontal: "right",
                            vertical: "top",
                            horizontal: "right",
                        <MenuItem>My Profile</MenuItem>
                        <MenuItem>My Settings</MenuItem>

Answer №1

To align the items in each Grid, center them using this code snippet:

<Grid item xs={3} display={"flex"} justifyContent="center">
Does this meet your expectations?

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