The integration of Flask, PyCharm, and CSS files into HTML is seamless and long

Currently, I am utilizing PyCharm with Flask.

In my project, I have both an HTML file and a CSS file. Initially, everything was working perfectly fine after writing the code and launching it. However, whenever I make changes to the CSS file, the modifications don't seem to reflect on the design. Interestingly, even if I delete the CSS file altogether, the design remains unchanged. What could be causing this issue?

I have enabled debug mode, attempted to rerun the program, stopped/started it again, and even restarted PyCharm in an effort to resolve this problem. Strangely enough, when I modify the HTML file, all the changes are applied as expected.

Answer №1

Although I don't use PyCharm, when working on my Flask apps and implementing CSS modifications, I always make it a point to trigger a force reload on my browser. This ensures that the page is fully refreshed and displays the updated CSS changes.

Instructions for performing a force reload on various web browsers: Windows: ctrl + F5 Mac/Apple: Apple + R or command + R Linux: F5

It's worth noting that PyCharm caches all project files. If you're willing to delete the entire PyCharm cache, you could consider trying that as well. However, I recommend first checking out your changes in the browser with a force reload.

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