Updating padding through local storage does not function as intended

I recently added two buttons to my website for adjusting the padding. While they are functional, I find myself manually setting the padding for nav, main, and footer in the CSS. Here is the snippet of the code:

main {
    padding: 20px 25%;
footer {
    padding: 5px 25%;
nav {
    padding: 0 25%;
    var padding = 15;

    $('#paddingPlus').click(function() {
        switch(padding) {
            case 0:
                padding = 5;
            case 5:
                padding = 10;
            case 10:
                padding = 15;
            case 15:
                padding = 20;
            case 20:
                padding = 25;
            case 25:
                padding = 30;
            case 30:
                alert('You have reached the maximum amount of padding!');

    $('#paddingMinus').click(function() {
        switch(padding) {
            case 0:
                alert('You have reached the minimum amount of padding!');
            case 5:
                padding = 0;
            case 10:
                padding = 5;
            case 15:
                padding = 10;
            case 20:
                padding = 15;
            case 25:
                padding = 20;
            case 30:
                padding = 25;

    function changePadding(pad) {
        $('nav').css('padding', '0 ' + pad + '%');
        $('main').css('padding', '20px ' + pad + '%');
        $('footer').css('padding', '5px ' + pad + '%');

I tried to implement local storage to save the padding settings, but it's not working and Chrome isn't showing any error messages. Here is that part of the code:

main { }
footer { }
nav { }
    switch(localStorage.getItem('padding')) {
        case 0:
            localStorage.setItem('padding', 0);
        case 5:
            localStorage.setItem('padding', 5);
        case 10:
            localStorage.setItem('padding', 10);
        case 15:
            localStorage.setItem('padding', 15);
        case 20:
            localStorage.setItem('padding', 20);
        case 25:
            localStorage.setItem('padding', 35);
        case 30:
            localStorage.setItem('padding', 30);
            localStorage.setItem('padding', 15);

    $('#paddingPlus').click(function() {
        switch(localStorage.getItem('padding')) {
            case 0:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 5);
            case 5:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 10);
            case 10:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 15);
            case 15:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 20);
            case 20:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 25);
            case 25:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 30);
            case 30:
                alert('You have reached the maximum amount of padding!');

    $('#paddingMinus').click(function() {
        switch(localStorage.getItem('padding')) {
            case 0:
                alert('You have reached the minimum amount of padding!');
            case 5:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 0);
            case 10:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 5);
            case 15:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 10);
            case 20:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 15);
            case 25:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 20);
            case 30:
                localStorage.setItem('padding', 25);

    function changePadding(pad) {
        $('nav').css('padding', '0 ' + pad + '%');
        $('main').css('padding', '20px ' + pad + '%');
        $('footer').css('padding', '5px ' + pad + '%');

If someone could assist me in identifying where I'm going wrong, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

Answer №1

Building upon the earlier response, does this clarify things?

$('#paddingPlus').click(function() {
   let padding = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('padding'));
   if (padding >== 30) {
      alert('You have hit the maximum padding limit!');
   } else {
      padding += 5;

$('#paddingMinus').click(function() {
   let padding = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('padding'));
   if (padding === 0) {
      alert('You have reached the minimum padding amount!');
   } else {
      padding -= 5;

function changePadding(pad) {
        localStorage.setItem('padding', pad);
        $('nav').css('padding', '0 ' + pad + '%');
        $('main').css('padding', '20px ' + pad + '%');
        $('footer').css('padding', '5px ' + pad + '%');

Answer №2

Make sure to convert the padding retrieved from localStorage.getItem('padding') into a Number data type (such as

). Since values retrieved from localstorage are returned as strings, using a case statement will not yield the desired result.

Answer №3

The issue arises from the conversion of a string to an integer with the pad value and the lack of updating the localStorage value in your second code snippet.

To address these issues and streamline the code, consider incrementing the value in each event handler instead of using a switch statement, and fetching the value from localStorage rather than depending on a global variable. Try this revised approach:

<main>Main content</main>

<button class="padding" data-change="5">+</button>
<button class="padding" data-change="-5">-</button>
function setPadding(pad, change) {
  pad = pad == null ? 15 : parseInt(pad, 10);
  pad += (parseInt(change, 10) || 0);

  if (pad < 0) {
    alert('You have reached the minimum amount of padding!');

  if (pad > 30) {
    alert('You have reached the maximum amount of padding!');

  localStorage.setItem('padding', pad);
  $('nav').css('padding', '0 ' + pad + '%');
  $('main').css('padding', '20px ' + pad + '%');
  $('footer').css('padding', '5px ' + pad + '%');

// retrieve the value and apply it when the page loads

// update the value when either button is clicked
$('.padding').click(function() {{
  setPadding(localStorage.getItem('padding'), this.dataset.change);

You can view a live demo of this solution on jsFiddle, as SO snippets do not have access to localStorage.

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