The infamous IE7 Bug Caused by CSS HasLayout

Initially, I've reviewed the following articles in order to refresh my knowledge on these topics as I have encountered them before:

Position Relative / Absolute / Fixed in IE

While the above resources may be helpful for individuals facing these issues for the first time, I am currently experiencing the following problems in All non-IE browsers:


And the following issue specifically in IE7


I am aware that I need to activate hasLayout = true on the large brown <div id="footer"> because its current position: relative setting is causing hasLayout = false in IE7. I have attempted using zoom: 1, and display: inline-block to trigger hasLayout on #footer but without success.

You can view the live site here:

The root of the vanishing div problem lies in the fact that hasLayout is presently set to false on #footer.

How can I successfully trigger it?!

Answer ā„–1

It's not a hasLayout problem. The issue lies in the validation of your markup. It appears that you are incorrectly self-closing tags and then adding a closing tag afterwards, causing problems in Internet Explorer. Additionally, there is an extra closing div tag that will definitely disrupt your layout.

Browsers like Firefox and Chrome are intelligent enough to handle these issues correctly, but it is still important to have valid code for optimal performance.

I hope this information proves helpful!

Answer ā„–2

element, @sweetroll is spot on - this issue has no correlation with hasLayout. The complication lies within /wp/wp-content/themes/custom_bellydance_theme/style.css file. Lines 354 and 438 within this file have a filter rule: filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand', /* IE6,IE7 */ M11=0.9986295347545738, M12=0.05233595624294383, M21=-0.05233595624294383, M22=0.9986295347545738); It seems that any CSS following these lines is not interpreted by IE7. Removing both of these lines resolves the issue with your site in IE7. It remains unclear why these lines are causing the problem. Even after attempting to eliminate the /* */ comments within them, there was no change. My recommendation would be to disregard the rotated date hover effects on IE6/7 if they aren't crucial. These browsers hold minimal significance. Alternatively, you could pose another question to seek insight into this matter (be sure to link back to this question). Thank you for providing a link to your site; without it, identifying the root cause would have been incredibly challenging.

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