Ways to apply a box shadow exclusively to specific elements

Is there a way to apply a box-shadow to a div without it affecting specific other divs?

In simpler terms, is it possible to prevent shadows from being cast on a particular div?

Take for example this scenario: http://jsfiddle.net/Cd6fE/

How can I prevent the shadow generated by .p1 from appearing on .noShadowsOnMePlease, while still casting a shadow on other divs?

If necessary, I am willing to use JavaScript or jQuery for a solution, but ideally, I'd prefer to achieve this using pure CSS.

Solution: Essentially, no, but you can create a workaround if the shadow is static. Alternatively, consider using css masking, although browser support may be limited as of Jan 2014. A good workaround without css masking can be found here: http://jsfiddle.net/zExS9/ - this method uses the :before selector to conceal shadow sections and then hides overflow.

Wouldn't it be convenient to have an accepts-shadows: false; attribute?

Answer №1

Unfortunately, the answer is: no, it is not possible.

Here is the best solution I could come up with: http://example.com/Cd6fE/5/

If you apply a transparent background to your .p1 element, you can create a transparent shape within the shadow. This seems to be the only workaround available.

To hide the remaining parts of the shadow, consider using blue pseudo elements.

Answer №2

To enhance your project, experiment with utilizing various pseudo-selectors such as :after in the following manner:

.item1:after, .item2:after, .item3:after {
  content:" ";
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 5px #000;

For a visual example, view this Demo Fiddle

Answer №3

While there are methods to simulate it, truly preventing the rendering process seems difficult

One simple solution is changing the shadow color to blue, creating the illusion of it blending into the background seamlessly

Answer №4

To position the elements over the shadow-casting element, you can utilize z-index. This will ensure that the shadow remains hidden underneath the element.

Check out this Updated Fiddle for reference

It's worth noting that only the third box .p3 is showcasing a shadow effect.

Update: Another approach is to use inset box-shadow to create shadows inside the divs. Feel free to review this updated example on Fiddle, keeping in mind that adjustments to shadow positioning may be necessary.

Don't forget to include vendor prefixes like -moz-, -webkit-, -o- when working with box-shadow properties.

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