Change the left position of the sliding menu in real-time

I am currently designing a website with a sliding menu feature. By default, the menu is set to -370px on the left, displaying only the "MENU" text initially. When a user hovers over the menu, it expands to the right, allowing them to select different menu items. If the user selects an item that has sub-items, the menu will dynamically adjust its size accordingly. However, I have encountered an issue when the menu slides back to the left. I want the menu to always show only the text "MENU," regardless of the length of the menu items. Currently, only 31px on the right side of the menu are visible.

Answer №1

Are you in need of a solution like this?


function adjustWidth(){
var width = document.getElementById("navigation_slideout").offsetWidth;
var offsetWidth = width - (width + width - 35);
document.getElementById('navigation_slideout').style.width = width + "px";
document.getElementById('navigation_slideout').style.left = offsetWidth + "px";


 #navigation_slideout:hover {
  left: -39px !important;

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