The Google Match Content Ad is adapting to larger screen resolutions in order to optimize its display

We've encountered a few problems with Google matched content ads and Bootstrap 4.

1) In larger resolutions, the ad attempts to adjust to the container size:

I've experimented with setting a fixed width, but the issue persists.

2) Is it possible to exclude ads from subdomains? For instance:

  • I'd like for my domain to only display articles from my US domain
  • I want my domain to exclusively show articles from my Canada domain

Visit the test page Ad by clicking here

Answer №1

To address question number 2, my recommendation is to leverage the power of Javascript's HTML DOM functionality in order to automatically identify ads from non-local domains and then proceed to remove those specific HTML elements dynamically.

If you are looking to eliminate unnecessary ads, utilizing document.removeChild() method would likely be the most effective approach. I encourage further exploration on this topic by accessing additional resources available here.

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