Stopping a velocity.js animation once it has completed: is it possible?

For the pulsating effect I'm creating using velocity.js as a fallback for IE9, refer to box2 for CSS animation. If the mouse leaves the box before the animation is complete (wait until pulse expands and then move out), the pulsating element remains visible.

$(".box").hover(function () {

        scale: [1.2, 0.9],
        opacity: [1, 0]
    }, {
        easing: 'ease-out',
        duration: 800,
        loop: true
    }, {
        queue: false

}, function () {



How can I stop the animation on mouseout after the effect is complete?

I'd like to avoid using .removeAttr('style') and prefer the animation to finish before stopping it. Any assistance would be appreciated.

If I use this


and if you move the mouse quickly, the animation starts again and sometimes pauses in between.

Answer №1

To avoid issues, consider using .velocity("finish") instead of .velocity("stop"), or implementing separate animations for on and off states, both including a call to "stop" (ensuring proper mouse movement capture).

It's important to understand that the {... loop:true ...} configuration results in the initial animation running indefinitely. As a result, invoking "stop" will trigger an immediate reversal unless you use .velocity("stop", true) to prevent this.

edit: A known issue regarding the "finish" bug has been reported -

edit2: Here's a simple example:

$("box").hover(function() {
    // Mouse over
    this.velocity("stop", true).velocity({
        scale: [1.2, 0.9]
    }, {
        duration: 800,
        loop: true
}, function() {
    // Mouse out
    this.velocity("stop", true).velocity({
        scale: 0.9
    }, {
        easing: "ease-out",
        duration: 800

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