Need a clearfix solution for Internet Explorer 6/7?

While developing a website, I have come across the micro clearfix hack from here. It's working well, but I do have a question regarding it that I'd like some clarification on.

Within the clearfix hack on the webpage, there is the following code snippet:

 * For IE 6/7 only
 * Include this rule to trigger hasLayout and contain floats.
.cf {
    *zoom: 1;

Simply adding this to my CSS triggers a warning due to the * wildcard. Should I remove the * in order to properly include this rule to trigger hasLayout, or is there a way to conditionally include it for IE 6/7 within the stylesheet itself?

I'm unsure whether I should delete the * or paste the code as is. Any insights would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Is it possible to incorporate an if IE 6/7 statement within a stylesheet itself?

You can use the IE6/7 media query:

 @media, { .cf { zoom: 1 } }

For more information, check out the following references:

  • Sitepoint CSS Reference: @media

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