The functionality of Small Caps is not supported by Twitter Bootstrap when using Chrome browser

I am working with a very basic markup

    <a href="#">
        My Title

and I have this CSS applied

h1 {
   font-variant: small-caps;

You can see the result on this jsfiddle link.

The problem arises when using Twitter Bootstrap. The text appears without the font-variant styling being applied.

I am certain that Bootstrap is causing this issue, as removing it restores the expected text rendering. Any suggestions or workarounds for this?

This is tested on Chrome version 26.0.1410.64

Bootstrap ON

Bootstrap OFF

Answer №1

To resolve the issue, you can try adjusting the following CSS property:

text-rendering: auto;

Check out the updated jsFiddle link below for more details.

The problem stemmed from a conflicting rule within Twitter Bootstrap:

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { text-rendering: optimizelegibility; }.

It seems that using text-rendering: optimizelegibility; causes issues with small-caps in Google Chrome.

Answer №2

Take a look at this discussion thread.

An interesting discovery is that the issue lies with Chrome. It seems that applying font-variant: small-caps; to a tag within an H# tag does not work as expected due to limitations in Chrome's rendering capabilities.

According to reports, Chrome currently has difficulty recognizing small-caps on both H# tags and their nested elements. Visit this updated fiddle example for a visual demonstration of this issue.

To address this problem, you may want to consider styling a <span>, <p>, or <div> element to mimic the appearance of an <h1> tag. By doing so, Chrome will be able to properly display your small-caps style.


After reviewing other comments, it appears that setting text-rendering: auto can resolve Chrome's rendering inconsistencies. Check out this revised jsFiddle for an illustration of this workaround. Credit goes to Martin for sharing this solution.

Answer №3

Using the CSS property font-variant: small-caps may not always yield genuine small caps in web browsers. Instead, this styling technique often results in simulated small caps by scaling down regular uppercase letters. This can be observed in instances where the stroke width of the "small caps" appears disproportionately smaller than that of normal capital letters.

Despite potential technical improvements to address browser compatibility issues with fake small caps, the fundamental challenge persists: achieving authentic small caps requires access to typefaces specifically designed with small caps, implementation of additional markup, utilization of complex CSS rules (such as font-feature-settings) tailored for small caps, and reliance on modern browsers capable of supporting these advanced CSS features. Unfortunately, many standard fonts installed on users' devices do not include true small caps.

Therefore, it is advisable to explore alternative typographic elements instead of relying solely on small caps for text enhancement.

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