Looking to adjust the background-image size of a table cell (td) upon clicking a specific

I have a website where I would like to display logos of different games with links attached to them. I have managed to adjust the size of the image on hover, but now I am looking for a way to keep the size bigger after clicking on the link. Is there a simple solution for this? I haven't found anything straightforward so far, only some jQuery and JavaScript codes related to background color changes. Here is the code snippet:

<table id="containerlogos" style="width: 1200px; height: 150px;">
        <td id="pkmn"><a href="http://www.pkmnpro.cz"></a></td>
        <td id="ygo"><a href="http://www.ygopro.cz"></a>
        <td id="mtg"><a href="http://www.mtgpro.cz"></a>
        <td id="hs"><a href="http://www.svet-karet.cz/?page_id=7"></a></td>

and the corresponding CSS styles:

... ...

For the complete working version, visit this link.

Answer №1

Give this a shot:

$('#containerlogos a').on('click', function (event) {
    $(this).closest('td').css('background-size','auto 80px');

Check out the demo

Answer №2

If you're wondering how to determine the dimensions of a background image, take a look at this helpful answer: Getting dimensions of background-image
To dynamically set the size of an element's background image using jQuery, simply add an 'onclick' event to your elements and use jQuery accordingly.

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