What is the best way to create an animation where every letter in a word transitions to a different

Is there a way to animate a word so that each letter changes color within a range of 7 colors, with all letters displaying different colors simultaneously in an infinite loop?

<div class="box">
  <h1 class="logo animate__animated animate__bounceInDown">
    <span class="cake d">D</span>
    <span class="cake y">y</span>
    <span class="cake n">n</span>
    <span class="cake a">a</span>
    <span class="cake m">m</span>
    <span class="cake i">i</span>
    <span class="cake x">x</span>

The HTML code above separates the word using span tags and classes for each letter.

  --primary: #22D2A0;
  --secondary: #192824;
  --back: #192824;
  --green: #1FC11B;
  --yellow: #FFD913;
  --orange: #FF9C55;
  --red: #FF5555;
  --aqua: #00ffff;
  --color: #fbff00;
  --blue: #4d1461;
  text-align: center;

I am looking for a solution to cycle through each letter of the word using a different color every millisecond with minimal code. I have attempted to animate each letter individually, but it resulted in bulky code. Additionally, if there is a way to pause the animation on hover using JavaScript, that would be ideal.

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, follow these steps:

    height: 200px;
    width: 400px;
    border: 1px solid #000;
    -webkit-animation: animate_bg 5s;
    animation: animate_bg 5s;
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    animation-iteration-count: infinite;

@keyframes animate_bg {
    0%   {background:#22D2A0;}
    10%  {background:#192824;}
    20% {background:#192824;}
    30% {background:#1FC11B;}
    40% {background:#1FC11B;}
    50% {background:#FFD913;}
    60% {background:#FF9C55;}
    70% {background:#FF5555;}
    80% {background:#00ffff;}
    90% {background:#fbff00;}
    100% {background:#4d1461}

@-webkit-keyframes animate_bg {
    0%   {background:#22D2A0;}
    10%  {background:#192824;}
    20% {background:#192824;}
    30% {background:#1FC11B;}
    40% {background:#1FC11B;}
    50% {background:#FFD913;}
    60% {background:#FF9C55;}
    70% {background:#FF5555;}
    80% {background:#00ffff;}
    90% {background:#fbff00;}
    100% {background:#4d1461}

Alternatively, you can modify the code by changing background to color

    -webkit-animation: animate_bg 5s;
    animation: animate_bg 5s;
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    animation-iteration-count: infinite;

@keyframes animate_bg {
    0%  {color:#22D2A0;}
    10% {color:#192824;}
    20% {color:#192824;}
    30% {color:#1FC11B;}
    40% {color:#1FC11B;}
    50% {color:#FFD913;}
    60% {color:#FF9C55;}
    70% {color:#FF5555;}
    80% {color:#00ffff;}
    90% {color:#fbff00;}
    100% {color:#4d1461}

@-webkit-keyframes animate_bg {
    0%  {color:#22D2A0;}
    10% {color:#192824;}
    20% {color:#192824;}
    30% {color:#1FC11B;}
    40% {color:#1FC11B;}
    50% {color:#FFD913;}
    60% {color:#FF9C55;}
    70% {color:#FF5555;}
    80% {color:#00ffff;}
    90% {color:#fbff00;}
    100% {color:#4d1461}

Answer №2

Utilizing JavaScript

  1. Start by creating an array containing various colors
  2. Iterate through each letter in a word and assign a color from the array based on its index position
  3. Repeat this process every 100ms, shifting the starting color index (indexOffset) to apply different colors to each letter in every iteration

let colors = [

let indexOffset = 0

setInterval(() => {
  document.querySelectorAll('h1 span').forEach((letter, index) => {
    letter.style.color = colors[(index + indexOffset) % 7]
    // '% 7' ensures that the index stays within the bounds of the color array
}, 100)

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