What is the process for dynamically populating a select dropdown based on the selection made in another select dropdown?

I need to dynamically populate the second select box based on the option selected in the first select box.

Here's what I have tried so far, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected. HTML:

<form id="step1">
        <select name="creator" id="creator">
            <option name="hello" value="hello">Hello</option>
            <option name="abc">oiasfn</option>
        Trip Title:
        <select name="title" id="title">



function updateForm(){
    document.getElementById("creator").onchange = populateTitle;

function populateTitle(){
    var select = document.getElementById("creator");
    if(select.options[select.selectedIndex].value === "hello"){
        select.options.add(new Option('Byebye', 'Bye'));

Answer №1

Your code has a slight issue where you are adding the value to the wrong select box. Instead of using

select.options.add(new Option('Byebye', 'Bye'));
, you should use
select2.options.add(new Option('Byebye', 'Bye'));

In this scenario,

var select2 = document.getElementById("title");

Alternatively, I have come up with another solution that achieves the same outcome but in a more dynamic way.

Below is the link to the JSFIDDLE for reference:

Code snippet:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#creator').change(function () {

// Define values for the select boxes
var values = {"goodbye":
              "": //Default scenario

function populatetitle() {
    var firstSelect = $("#creator");
    var secondSelect = $("#title");
    var valuesForSecondSelect = values[firstSelect.val()]; //get values based on 1st selection
    secondSelect.empty(); // remove old options
    $.each(valuesForSecondSelect, function(key, value) {
        //loop through all values for 2nd box and add them
                   .attr("value", value).text(key));

Answer №2

There are a few issues with your code that need to be addressed:

In line number 11, it is important to use == or === for equality comparison instead of =:

if(select.options[select.selectedIndex].value = "hello"){

Similarly, in line number 13, you seem to be adding the 'Bye' option to the wrong select. It appears that you intended to add it to the #title select:

document.getElementById("title").options.add(new Option('Byebye', 'Bye'));

Moreover, your code lacks idiomatic jQuery practices. Mixing jQuery and native DOM APIs can lead to confusion. It might be beneficial to use more descriptive names for functions and variables:


function observeCreator() {

function onCreatorChanged() {
  var creatorSelect = $(this);
  var titleSelect = $("#title");
  var options;

  if (creatorSelect.val() == "hello") {
     options = $("<option></option><option value='bye'>Bye</option>");
  } else {
    options = $("<option></option>");

Lastly, ensure that you are not unintentionally adding multiple instances of the Bye option to the #title select.

Answer №3

The issue may be originating from the fact that you are inserting it into the initial select and not the second one. Fortunately, by utilizing jQuery for the change event handler, this problem can be easily resolved. By implementing this solution, troubleshooting will be much more streamlined.

    $('#creator').on('change', function() {
        var $title = $('#title').empty();
        if ($(this).val() == 'hello') {
            $title.append('<option value="Bye">Bye bye</option>');

Answer №4

Check out the UPDATED FIDDLE

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#dropdown').change(function () {

function updateOptions() {
    var firstDropdown = document.getElementById("dropdown");
    var secondDropdown = document.getElementById("options");
    if (firstDropdown.options[firstDropdown.selectedIndex].value === "entry") {
        var newOption = document.createElement("option");
        newOption.text = "Exit";
        newOption.value = "exit";
        secondDropdown.add(newOption, null);

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