The flickering problem with HTML5 DOM

I created a HTML5 game using canvas and DOM elements, but I'm facing an issue with flickering DOM elements while playing. The problem seems to be more prevalent in mobile browsers, particularly Chrome.

My game includes a full screen canvas with various objects rendered on it, as well as DOM elements for the GUI (such as pop-ups). The DOM elements are positioned absolutely and scaled using CSS3 on window resize (transform:scale).

Unfortunately, I cannot share the code as it's part of a commercial project, but I have attached some screenshots below:

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3

If anyone has insights on why this flickering is happening and how to solve it, I would greatly appreciate your help.

Thank you!

Answer №1

It appears that you haven't uploaded any screenshots, which could be causing the issue of redrawing without a buffer. I recommend looking into double buffering as a solution. In my experience with coding flash and java games in the past, buffers have helped eliminate flickering.

For more information, you may find this previous question helpful: Does HTML5/Canvas Support Double Buffering?

Upon reviewing the screenshots, it seems like the problem might not be related to double buffering, but rather CSS issues. Double check your CSS code for properties like background-attachment: fixed or position: fixed, as these can sometimes cause flickering in Chrome.

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