Having trouble retrieving the routeName as it consistently returns empty

I attempted to extract the routeName from the URL in order to apply a different class to the body's layout when on the /Category page.


  @{string classContent = Request.QueryString["routeName"] != "/Category" ? "container" : "";}; 
  <div id="Content" class="body-wrapper @classContent">

The issue I am facing is that Request.QueryString["routeName"] always returns empty and I cannot determine why.

Can anyone explain why it remains empty or suggest a better method for assigning a different class based on the current page?

Answer №1

I was able to resolve the issue using this code snippet:

   var segments = Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
   string classContent = "container";
   if (segments.Count() > 1) { classContent = segments[1] != "category" ? "" : "container";}

The function Request.Url.AbsolutePath retrieves the complete URL.


Next, I divided the URL into segments and stored them in a list.

Subsequently, I checked if the list is long enough to correspond to a different page rather than the homepage.

Finally, I verified if the second section of the URL is /Category and assigned the appropriate CSS class based on the URL output.

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