The Facebook Like button and Twitter Follow button are not displaying in line on iOS browsers such as Chrome and Safari

When you go to: and resize your viewport to around 400px, click the down arrow next to O&O&O&O. The Twitter and Facebook buttons will be seen on the same line.

However, if you repeat the same process on Safari or Chrome for iOS, you'll notice that the Facebook Like button appears on a new line below the Twitter button.

Both elements have 'display:inline-block !important;' assigned to them.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to Safari 6 for debugging remotely.

I am looking to figure out how to ensure that the Facebook and Twitter buttons are on the same line on iOS. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you, Thomas.

Answer №1

By applying position:relative; and width:auto !important; to both components, the issue appeared to be resolved. However, it's likely that only adding it to the Facebook Like button was necessary.

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