Make toggleClass show up smoothly without disappearing

I'm currently working with jQuery's toggleClass() method and I want to achieve a fade-in effect without the corresponding fade-out animation. Using the "duration" attribute applies the same duration for both actions, which is not what I want. I would like to avoid using addClass() for fade in and removeClass() for fade out separately as it could lead to lengthy and messy code. My goal is to keep the code simple, concise, and easy to read.

Do you have any suggestions?

This is what I've tried so far:

$("#e" ).hover(function() {
    $(this).closest("#word").toggleClass("hoverE", 500 )

I envision something like this where I can set distinct durations for fade in and fade out:

$("#e" ).hover(function() {
    $(this).closest("#word").toggleClass("hoverE", 500, 0 )

I experimented with this approach, but unfortunately, it didn't work:

$("#e" ).hover(function() {


  <div id="word">
    <h1><a id="h" class= "letter" href=#>H</a></h1>
    <h1><a id="e" class= "letter" href=#>E</a></h1>
    <h1><a id="l" class= "letter" href=#>L</a></h1>
    <h1><a id="l2"class= "letter" href=#>L</a></h1>
    <h1><a id="o" class= "letter" href=#>O</a></h1>

Answer №1

This option is not currently available. However, you have the ability to create your own solution:

$.fn.customToggleClass = function(nameOfClass, displayTime, hideTime) {
        this.removeClass(nameOfClass, hideTime);   
    } else {
        this.addClass(nameOfClass, displayTime);

Answer №2

Here is a unique suggestion that might meet the requirements in a different way:

$('#e').toggleClass( "hoverE", ( $('#e').hasClass("hoverE") ? 0 : 500) );

Alternatively, you could consider creating a function for better organization:

function customToggleClass($el, classname, dur1, dur2){

    dur = $el.hasClass(classname) ? dur2 : dur1;
    $el.toggleClass(classname, dur);

    return $el;


To use the function, simply call it like this:

customToggleClass( $("#e"), "hoverE", 500, 0 );

Or, take it a step further and turn it into a jQuery plugin:

$.fn.toggleClassFade = function(classname, dur1, dur2) {
    $.each(this, function(i, el){
        var $el = $(el);
        var dur = $el.hasClass(classname) ? dur2 : dur1;
        $el.toggleClass(classname, dur);

    return this;

You can then use the plugin like this:

$('#e').toggleClassFade('hoverE', 500, 0)

This method is also chainable to add flexibility to your code. Hopefully, this provides some assistance.

Answer №3

To better assist you with your question, we would need more details about the structure of your HTML. Could you please create a JSFiddle and share how your HTML elements are arranged?

In my previous response, I mentioned that using closest may not be suitable in this scenario. It seems like you might be looking for the next or prev functions instead of closest. If you want to verify if you are selecting the correct element using closest, you can try the following code:

$("#e" ).hover(function() {

If running this code returns an empty array, then there is likely an issue with the selector. However, if it returns the desired element, it can lead to confusion (as mentioned in my previous comment).

UPDATE: Upon further clarification on the effect you are trying to achieve, the issue was resolved with the following code:

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