Finding the Perfect Placement for an Element in Relation to its Companion

Is there a way to achieve an effect similar to Position Relative in CSS using jQuery?

I have developed a tooltip that I want to attach to various objects like textboxes, checkboxes, and other text elements.

My code looks something like this:

<input id="adsfjlk" type="textbox" />
<div class="TooltipBalloon"> SOME TEXT</div>

However, CSS relative positioning is dependent on the element's parent. Since I cannot place a div inside an input element, I have used jQuery to position the tooltip next to the textbox.

The issue arises when changes occur on the page. For instance, if there is an expanding textarea above the textbox, it causes the textbox to shift down, resulting in misalignment of the tooltip.

Given the unpredictability of these changes, applying an OnChange event to the elastic element is not feasible. I need a more effective method to maintain the relative positioning of these elements.

Answer №1

If you're wondering about ways to show tooltips (on focus, on hover), I've come up with an example of how I could implement tooltips for inputs.

Check out this example I created on jsFiddle.

In my approach, I added a span tag after each input element to serve as the tooltip. I positioned the span absolutely and made it appear on focus while disappearing on blur.

The cool thing is that even if there's dynamic content on the page, the tooltips will still be correctly positioned (you can test it by commenting out the blur function and adding content using the "Change Page" link in the example).

In addition, I included code for hover events (although it's currently commented out in my demonstration).

Below are snippets of the code I used:


<ul class="tooltip-stuff">
    <label>First Name</label>
    <input class="tooltip" type="text" />
    <span>Enter your first name here.</span>


.tooltip-stuff SPAN
    border: 1px solid #D3D3D3;
    margin-left: 5px;
    padding: 0 6px;
    background-color: #C4ECF8;
    position: absolute;
    display: none;


$('.tooltip').focus(function () {

$('.tooltip').blur(function () {

Answer №2

Ensuring the proper relationship in your HTML is crucial for a well-organized structure.

In this case, the missing link lies in the connection between the two elements. By assigning them to a common parent element, you establish a clear association. Once grouped together, positioning both elements relative to their parent becomes seamless.

Benefits of using a parent element include:

  • Enhanced readability and meaningfulness of your HTML,
  • Effortless attainment of desired presentation.

Alternatively, achieving correct relationships can also be done by utilizing the title attribute within input elements for tooltip content. JavaScript can then extract this information and incorporate it into the generated HTML. This method works best for concise messages that do not require formatting.

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