The document.write function in JavaScript is malfunctioning

I've been attempting to utilize the javascript function document.write to incorporate an external css file in my template. However, I am aiming to achieve this using Twig, like so:

document.write('<link href="{{ asset('bundles/activos/css/app-orange.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" >');

Unfortunately, it does not seem to work. Why is the document.write function failing? Can I include that Twig code within it?

Alternatively, what is the most effective way to pass a css route with Twig to a document.write javascript function?

Apologies if my English is not perfect. I hope my message comes across clearly. Thank you.

Answer №1

Incorporate this into your code

{% stylesheets
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="{{ asset_url }}" />
{% endstylesheets %}

Answer №2

After some reflection, I have finally figured out what was causing the issue. It turns out that my error was using the document.write() function within the $(document).ready() function. Unfortunately, I failed to provide all of the code earlier for better understanding. Lesson learned - I now know that document.write() cannot be used inside the $(document).ready() function. Thank you to everyone for your comments and responses!

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