Maximizing Compatibility of CSS3 Responsive Image Sprites for Firefox

Take a look at the Demo. Make sure to test it on both Chrome and Firefox to experience the difference.

I've created a div element with the following CSS classes to make a responsive sprite of images:

.what-wwb-logo, .what-national-geographic-logo, .what-atm-logo, .what-us-ski-logo-large, .what-boart-logo,.what-comas, .what-left-arrow, .what-right-arrow{
     max-width: 100%; 
     background-size: 100%;
     background-image: url('/images/sprites/what_our_client_say_new.png'); 
.what-wwb-logo { 
     background-position: 0 0%;
     background-size: 100%;
     padding-bottom: 41%;
.what-national-geographic-logo {
     background-position: 0 16.588419%;
     background-size: 118.648019%;
     padding-bottom: 59%; 
     max-width: 77%;
.what-atm-logo { 
     background-position: 0 42.466823%; 
     background-size: 146.685879%;
     padding-bottom: 94%;
     max-width: 100%; 
.what-us-ski-logo-large { 
     background-position: 0 65.003723%;
     background-size: 181.785714%;
     padding-bottom: 65%;
     max-width: 70%;
.what-boart-logo { 
     background-position: 0 84.194978%; 
     background-size: 200.393701%; 
     padding-bottom: 84%; 
     max-width: 84%; 
.what-comas { 
     background-position: 0 92.206077%;
     background-size: 435.042735%;
     padding-bottom: 62%; 
     max-width: 80%; 
.what-left-arrow { 
     background-position: 0 96.196003%;
     background-size: 820.967742%; 
     padding-bottom: 93%;
     min-width: 7px; 
.what-right-arrow { 
     background-position: 0 100%;
     background-size: 820.967742%; 
     padding-bottom: 93%;
     min-width: 7px; 

In my HTML code, I have included the following lines:

<div class="what-right-arrow " />
<div class="what-left-arrow " />
<div class="what-comas" />
<div class="what-boart-logo" /> //and so on for all div elements in different positions

Upon testing the code in Chrome, IE, and Firefox, everything worked fine except for Firefox.

The issue lies in the vibration of images (specifically what-right-arrow, what-left-arrow, and what-comma) which constantly oscillate up and down as well as left and right.

Could this be due to improper spriting or is it a problem specifically related to Firefox?

Answer №1

It appears that the issue with shaking images in Firefox may be related to a problem specific to that browser.

One potential solution seems to involve moving the background-image style onto individual selectors, which has been shown to stop the vibration: View Demo

For example:

// Causes vibration
.a, .b {background-image: url(example.png); background-size:50%;}

// Prevents vibration
.a, .b {background-size:50%;}
.a {background-image: url(example.png);}
.b {background-image: url(example.png);}

Similar issues have been encountered when resizing sprites in Firefox as well. By applying the background-image to each instruction separately, the problem can be resolved beyond just this demonstration.

There are reservations about resizing sprites for retina devices due to difficulties in maintaining precision across different browsers and devices. This includes concerns such as:

  • Experiencing vibrating bugs in Firefox and implementing necessary workarounds
  • Background-position values being slightly off, resulting in odd image cutoffs
  • The need to adjust all values by 50%, making it challenging to directly copy and paste code from sprite generators

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